As of last night, we are taking Rough Mix Monday to the next level. Our sound engineer Joey Cox just finished building his home studio, and last night we put it to the test. After some planning and inspiration, we decided that once every two weeks we will meet at Joey's studio and write and record a song on the spot! Last night we gave it a swing. Will and I met up with two guitars, sat down, and in 30 minutes wrote the brand spankin new track titled "All Your Prayers." We are very excited to release a deeper side of our Southern Gospel roots with "All Your Prayers," and show the Purple People how we were raised. Will's grandfather was a Southern Methodist Preacher in Anderson, SC, and I just happened to attend his church as a child. Together we hold a very similar and strong foundation of morale story-telling, and today we wanna let you know....that all your prayers will be answered slowly; with patience sweet patience your seeds will grow. Ya'll inspire us to keep releasing new music, so please leave a comment below and share this will your friends so we can keep making mo and mo and mo!
Song Written by: John-Keith Culbreth and Will Blackburn Performed by: Will Blackburn, John-Keith Culbreth, and Matt Zutell of Donnie Dies
Lyrics: All your prayers will be answered slowly All your prayer will be answered SLO All you prayers will be answered slowly Patience Patience - Your seeds will grow Waves they crash and wind it blows Fire burns and Earth she grows All you prayers will be answered slowly Patience Patience - Your seeds will grow